First Ultrasound
January 11, 2005
The ultrasound procedure was much quicker than I had
thought it would be, about 15 minutes start to finish. The purpose
of this ultrasound was to get a better due date estimate. First
we did a normal scan on my belly; that didn't show much, so we
did a vaginal ultrasound, which is what these pictures are from.
The baby was really kicking and stretching a lot. I still can't
feel anything (it's only about 6 cm long right now), so I was
surprised to see it moving around so much. The estimated due date
from the ultrasound is July 22nd!

Our first glimpse of the baby! The placenta is on the bottom,
but you can't see the umbilical cord.

This picture has a good view of the left leg. We could see fingers
during the exam, but we didn't get a picture of them.
More pictures on the next